Eshan Maitra General public are being hassled by the prolonged judicial processes in Shatkhira area. Cases had been stuck over 9 months at the Women and Children Torture Prevention Tribunal. Since the transfer of Judge Md. Ziaul Hauque, the tribunal have been running with ...বিস্তারিত
While summer is the time when we spend most of our time outdoors, we stay inside our house to keep away from the smoldering sun. While we usually turn to our fans and air conditioning units, electric bills eventually increase, making them an unwise option for those on a budg ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Sarwar Jahan Written by: Eshan Maitra Experts are suspecting that, Bangladesh Bank Heist from the US Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was part of North Korean hackers’ WannaCry Ransomware Attack. FBI is almost confirmed that North Korea had hand in the ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Jafar Ahmad Written by: Eshan Maitra Krishi Shomprosharon Council very much concerned about the severity of the Blast disease in the rice paddies. The traditional ways are failing to prevent it. BRRI estimated, over 1% of the seasonal Ropa Rice will be aff ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Arifur Rahman Tuhin Written by: Eshan Maitra Bangladesh Institutes of Bank Management (BIBM) published an alarming report about the severity of cyber risks in the banks in Bangladesh. Their survey shows, 36% banks are at high cyber security risk and 50% ba ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Shakil Ahmed Written by: Eshan Maitra During the announcement of each fiscal year’s budget, corrupts get a chance to launder their money. Such, culture only encouraging more corrupts, comments Campaign for Good Governance (SUPRO) at an event hosted by th ...বিস্তারিত
If you stumble across a giant golden egg in Sweden consider yourself lucky. It's actually a big, cozy sauna. Solar Egg is a 16-foot-high installation. 69 gold-plated panels cover the outside. Inside is a toasty wood-paneled sauna. It's heate ...বিস্তারিত
Syed Nasir Ershad South Korea's new liberal President Moon Jae-in was sworn in on Wednesday and vowed to immediately tackle the difficult tasks of addressing North Korea's advancing nuclear ambitions and soothing tensions with the United States and China. Mo ...বিস্তারিত
Adv Zahid Ahmed Hero Maintenance means provisions for fooding, lodging and other essential for the livelihood. Duty to maintain is an obligation under which a person is legally bound to provide fooding, lodging, clothing etc to another pe ...বিস্তারিত
The best way to generate energy from nature is to imitate it. Tyer wind has created a new wind turbine design. That draws inspiration from one of the most nimble creatures the hummingbird. The tunisia-based company has created the Tyer wind converter. Instead of rotating, th ...বিস্তারিত