If you stumble across a giant golden egg in Sweden consider yourself lucky. It’s actually a big, cozy sauna. Solar Egg is a 16-foot-high installation. 69 gold-plated panels cover the outside. Inside is a toasty wood-paneled sauna. It’s heated by a stove in the shape of a human heart. It was installed in Kiruna one of Sweden’s northernmost towns. It gets up to 185 degree F inside. Solar Egg is by artists Lars Bergstrom and Mats Bigert. It’s a place for townspeople to discuss local mining.
The interior of the egg is really glamorous. Wood, pine wall panels and floor decking used to make this. There is a bench which is made of a poplar tree with rounded called aspen. The whole Space covered with hidden lights. A wood burning, heart-shaped golden oven is made from iron and stone in the main part of the egg.
It is 167 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit temperature inside the sauna ranges from. It’s built to accommodate up to eight people at a time.