Sadiya S. Silvee, Research Assistant, Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs: There remains a controversy, many times, in the cases relating to murder- whether decision of a particular High Court (HC) bench to be followed or not in deciding the appeal. Gene ...বিস্তারিত
UNDP Fourteen years ago Razia Bewa`s husband passed away, as a 30-year old widow with 4 daughters, she was not prepared for what life had in store for her. Her husband was a landless farmer who worked as a day laborer in other people`s farms and after his death their hand ...বিস্তারিত
Mary Dejevsky, Writer and broadcaster/Gulf News The Myanmar leader’s fall from grace is partly because we made the mistake of putting her on such a high pedestal The image of Myanmar’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, was one of untrammelled moral rectitude, remote dignit ...বিস্তারিত
Waliur Rahman, Former Ambassador and Political Analyst: The more restrictions that are placed upon the Myanmar military, the smoother the path to resolution will be. The United Nations’ report on the Rohingya issue is a positive thing for us. Myanmar is already under moun ...বিস্তারিত
Ganesh Kumar Radha Udayakumar/Daily O, India Humans deserve the comforts of a native tongue and its culture — the near-simultaneity of thought and expression, the tacit understanding of unspoken meanings, the purity of accent and emotion. How important is it to have ...বিস্তারিত
Tasmiah Nuhiya Ahmed, Executive Editor, The New York Times, Bangladesh National Section: Bangladesh Passengers' Welfare Association (BPWA) estimated that a total of 200 people were killed and 754 others injured in accidents on roads, waterways and railways across the countr ...বিস্তারিত
Rosebell Kagumire /Al jazeera Can an artist-turned-politician deliver the final blow that brings down Museveni's rule in Uganda? After close to two weeks of tensions in Uganda, a court in the northern town of Gulu granted bail to four opposition legislators including M ...বিস্তারিত
Tessa Love/ More psychologists are incorporating dream analysis into their practices — and patients are seeing real-world payoff Nubia DuVall Wilson is in a frenzy. She’s packing up her entire home, and she needs to do it fast. She has only one suitcase, ...বিস্তারিত
Nael M Shama/BDnews24 The foreign policy of the United Arab Emirates offers a curious case study for scholars of international relations: a small state with a tiny population and historically little presence on the world stage, but with outsized – and seemingly ever-exp ...বিস্তারিত
Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed, Former Deputy General and Commandant, Ansar VDP Academy: Writers are members of the society and so they react and respond to the changes and chances that take place in the society. They are molded by the social forces and they in turn mould the socie ...বিস্তারিত