Reported by: Nashrat Arshiyana Chowdhury
Written by: Eshan Maitra
Electricity Power Plants have been included into KPI. That, law & enforcement securities have been fortified. Ansar and military forces were deployed as well. Terrorist attacks and ambushes are becoming more uncertain. They are conspiring to either to erupt the general public or grow a mist of panic among all. That’s why military forces have been prepared to join task-forces to tackle any unfortunate situation, said State minister of the Ministry of Power Nasrul Hamid. The price of electricity have been rising for obvious reasons. The terrorist may take this chance to attack the power-plants to make the general public furious. Also, in the darkness they may conduct horrible deeds. Such as killing prominent persons and attacking other important establishments. All these are threatening the core sovereignty of Bangladesh.
Intelligence activities also have been increased. They are currently looking out for the benefactors and cross-communications of the terrorists within the country. Also, making sure that, they cannot make treaties with foreign terrorist organizations.