Marilyn Thipthorpe
Even if you’re not a fan of poetry you must have at some point in your life, most probably in school, have read a poem by Robert Frost.
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.”Ringing any bells? Told you so! Here are a few snippets of information that you might not have known about the great American poet and multi Pulitzer award winner.
*Frost was paid $15 for his first poem “My Butterfly” which was published in The New York Independent in 1894.
* Frost was born in a religion known as Swedenborgian, in which the followers believe that the Scripture was reveled to Swedish theologian Emanuel Swedenborg. His mother believed in the religions and initiated him into it at birth; he later left it once he was an adult.
* The greatest irony in a writer’s life
comes when a publisher who once shunned him, calls him up to publish the very work he shunned. This happened with Frost in 1912, when he sent his poem “reluctance” to Ellergy Sedgwick, editor of The Atlantic Monthly. Later when his works earned critical praise in 1915, Sedgwick called up Frost and apologized and expressed his wish to publish the poem.