Reported by: Masum Billah
Written by: Eshan Maitra
Immigration Police will be initiation fingerprint system for the immigration procedures in Benapole International Check-post. This is to bring border-crossing clarity & prevent passport fraud. Soon it will be inaugurated at Benapole office. Later, the system will be implemented in all the India-Bangladesh check-posts, said Immigration OC Omar Sharif to Amader Orthoneeti.
The immigration check-posts will check the passports, as well as will be taking the fingerprints. This will verify & identify the citizen’s existence in the population database. Also, new modern facilities will be added in order to increase travels between India-Bangladesh in the future, added OC.
7.57 lacs native & foreign passport holders traveled into India from Bangladesh in first half of this year. 6.71 lacs Bangladeshi, 0.85 lacs Indian and rest others. Meanwhile, 7.13 lacs traveled into Bangladesh from India. 6.24 lacs being Bangladeshi, 0.87 Indian & others. Government earned total of 35.50 crores taka from these travel.
Also, Benapole land-port will be open 24/7 from tomorrow, to encourage import-export relation. Both businessman & authorities will benefit from this. It will also slim down several complexities.