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Parents to blame for HSC result setback, not their children
Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Jagannath University : The lack of dedicated teachers is the reason for the disastrous state of our country’s education system. Our own students are far more talented than those from abroad. There is no lack of talented students in our country; rather, quality education is rare.
Some 30% students failed and they are not to be blamed; rather, it is their guardians who are to be held responsible. They think securing GPA-5 or passing an exam in the main goal one’s life. They have to leave the thought. Otherwise, the trend of suicide will go upward. 30% failure is much higher where 16% was unavoidable.
There are 16% people in the society who are called under-privileged. They cannot easily cope up with everything prevailing in the society. The amount of pressure parents put on their offspring actually leave the latter troubled. It is still a great relieve that the children are alive despite facing such a situation. Considering the pressure from the parents, I think their children were supposed to die way back.
We all know why so many students fail. There are hardly any good teachers in schools and colleges. A large sum of money is being spent on building schools and multimedia education with the main field remaining ignored. There is no imitative to prepare better teachers. Three teachers are assigned for eight subjects. A Physics graduate is giving classes on English. This is how teaching is going on in our schools and colleges. ICT classes are being conducted at colleges despite any teacher suited for the subject.
Vacant posts of teachers have to be fulfilled as soon as possible and teachers have to be trained up properly. Recruitment of teachers through the school management committees has to be stopped.
Based on an interview by Muhammad Naeem, translated by Abrar Hussain