Written by: Eshan Maitra
Hajj travelers became victim of conman & agency blackmailing this year as well. Even bank complexities are also adding to other hassling. Authorities are failing set strict examples. Many sold their lands & other belongings for this Holy Hajj travels. Also, most are at the end of lifetime. Their sorrows know no bound as they reach at the end of keeping any hope of receiving their flight tickets.
About a thousand registered Hajj travelers yet did not receive visa this year. Experts blame the irregularities of the authorities responsible for giving agency-certification without proper verification. But, Hajj Camp Directors has nothing to offer but assurance of pity.
There are complaints about 50 Hajj agencies, for not collecting ticket flights & blackmailing the hajj travelers. 17 agencies did not collect majority of the flight tickets for their Hajj travelers, said Hajj Camp Director Saiful Islam. So, far 1, 26,193 visas have been confirmed and 99,022 reached Saudi Arab safely. Only 3 days left. Rest are losing hope about getting their Hajj opportunity.