No Excuse for an Entire Party to ‘Duck’ the Voters Joy comes out on ‘real, clear politics‘
Utpal Dutta
Sajeeb Wazed Joy, in a signed article wrote on state of democracy refuting a number of issues, allegations from the corner of opposition BNP over quite a few years.
“They (opposition) are wrong. None of these claims are true,” says Sajeeb Wazed Joy, ICT advisor of Sheikh Hasina while striking down a number of issues.
The article, by joy carried out in ‘Real Clear Politics’ on Saturday issue, US-based political news and polling data aggregator.
The article had released internationally a day before BNP managed to arrange a rally before mass people nearly a year after, seemingly a long span of time for a main opposition party.
The story by Sajeeb Wazed Joy titled “Truth about Bangladesh’s Upcoming Elections” combines while features the accumulated issues highlighting those have been remain controversial and might act as an awkward pawn in upcoming election.
Among others, issues and concerns like invalidity of 2014 elections as BNP attributed it, disappearances of opposition leaders allegedly by the Government conspiracy, money laundering, role of Tarique Rahman and especially boycotting election by BNP in 2014 have been explored and inspected extensively.
“They are wrong. None of these are true”, Joy canceled out those aspects in his article.
BNP refused to participate in the 2014 elections and created the situation that has now been disapproved.
“BNP rejected her concessions and walked away rather than wage a public fight. Instead, several of its leaders chose to firebomb polling places.” Joy reasoned out that BNP picked to refuse the election in 2014 although Sheikh Hasina said repeatedly that free and fair elections are the keystone of democracy.
There should have no excuse for an entire party to ‘duck’ the voters, Joy reasoned forcefully.
BNP fears to take the responsibility they required for their desperation, “BNP never takes the responsibility for their recklessness.”
All those instances are deeply extends and expanse the roots among the people of Bangladesh nonetheless those are wiped out from international media.
“That irony might be lost on the international media. But it is not lost on the people of Bangladesh. They know better. They deserve better.” Joy put the end.
The writer is an Editorial Assistant, The New York Times, Bangladesh National Section