Reported by: Anwarul Karim
Written by: Eshan Maitra
Even 35 degrees Celsius temperature is becoming extremely intolerable due to high humidity in air. Specially, highest temperature was recorded in Dhaka, than any other places. From people to birds and animals, all are suffering all day from desert-like heat. Also, there is no chance of rain anytime soon. Such, heatwaves may continue 2-3 days more, reported Meteorologist Abdur Rahman from Bangladesh Meteorological Department.
He also thinks, the temperature difference from day to night causing such feeling of over-heat. He also added that, high-pressure weather rings are pushing away the water-vapors from the Bay of Bangle into the areas of Barisal, Khulna, Dhaka and Rajshahi divisions.
Monday weather forecast reported that, the temperature in Dhaka was from 35.1 to 28.9 degree Celsius.