The Salt Lake Tribune: [2] Clean cart handles: Most grocery store have disinfectant wipes that allow customers to clean the grocery cart before entering the store. If there is a dispenser for hand sanitizer — use it.
[3] Keep your distance: The virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person, especially between people who are within about 6 feet. “Be courteous in the aisles,” Hunsaker said. Wait for fellow shoppers to move out of the way before reaching in for the bread or, if you’re lucky, toilet paper. Once you’ve put your groceries on the conveyor belt, stand back and let the checker and bagger do their jobs. Use credit cards, not cash.
[4] Produce: While fresh produce is safe when washed (more on that later), consumers who are at risk or have compromised immune systems may want to consider buying fruits and vegetables that are frozen or prepackaged.
[5]Ditch the reusable bags • Even before the coronavirus outbreak, a researcher at Loma Linda University Health found that almost all reusable grocery bags carry bacteria. Now, with the coronavirus, many grocery stores have stopped allowing consumers to bring these personal bags from home as a way to protect employees.