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Evaluation process at SSC, HSC levels not merit-based
Dr. Syed Anwar Husain, Professor, BUP : The evaluation process of answer scripts at SSC and HSC levels is not based on the merit. The learning of the students has been reflected, to some extent, in the result of the public examinations, whatever it may be. However, the level of education has not been reflected.
It has not been evaluated whether the students could gather knowledge. Because, the appraisal process is not based on the merit.
Therefore, we see that many top scorers fail in the intake test for the universities. Particularly the weakness in the subjects like English and Bangla are evident. As a whole, the results of public examinations are not an index to the quality of education. Apparently, many are seen to be overjoyed while others feel let down. None of these seem logical to me it is purely impulsive. This time the result of HSC examinations is downward as there has been no incident of question paper leak. Can we draw a conclusion here that the incidents of question paper leak led to the explosion of good results in the previous years? Students achieving good grades or GPA-5 rejoiced in their results. There is no harm in it but unrestrained celebration is indecent. Contrarily, we have seen the suicide tendency among those who could not pass in the examinations. This is due to emotional breakdown. It is not easy to say that the students obtaining GPA-5 has got the final recognition of their performance. As I have mentioned earlier, the evaluation process of answer scripts is faulty. The people who are still remembered for their works were weak in their academic activities. Therefore, it is irrational to think that life is totally a failure and suicide is the solution if one cannot pass on one or several occasions.
There is every chance to obtain good grades even after failing to obtain good grades. Good education is must for the development of a student. More importantly, adoption of unfair means in the results has to be stopped. The students should concentrate more on classroom activities. I think the coaching centres should be shut down immediately after enacting law. Our educational system should be based on the classroom activities.
Based on an interview by Ashiq Rahman, translated by Hossen Sohel