Reported by: Syed Ripon
Written by: Eshan Maitra
Election Commission issued RPO order of having 33% female-candidacy for representing each parties, by 2020. Despite of EC already sending letters twice requesting update. 5 political parties yet to send any reply. Last progress report was due till 4 August.
These parties are, Bikalpadhara Bangladesh, Public Forum, Bangladesh Tariqat Federation, United Public Movement & Bangladesh Communist Party. EC has no idea about their current stance regarding this matter, said EC Assistant Secretary Roshan Ara Begum.
EC’s first letter reached to all political party HQs on 13 June. There, they were asked for statistic report on their female-leadership by 10 July. 16 parties replied.
Therefore, EC their second letter on 27 July again. Expecting reports from rest of the parties by 4 August. 19 parties replied that time.
Meanwhile, EC report shows two biggest political parties, Awami League & BNP, both has near equal female participation in their party leadership hierarchy.