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Drug crime poses a major threat to national security
Sarwar J. Minar, Senior Officer, International Programs and Relations, IUB: Drug related crime poses a direct threat to national security and development. In the post-Cold War era, while traditional military-centric security started losing its appeal, a human-centric security emerged as the dominant trend.
The main idea of human- centric security is that anything that poses challenge to the survival and wellbeing of the people is considered as security threat, be it food insecurity, health insecurity, environmental insecurity, personal insecurity etc. Drug abuse poses health security threats for the addicts. Drug trade (e.g., production, smuggling, trafficking etc.) instigates other criminal activities that pose threat to societal security, undermine legal system and the rule of law.
Thus drug abuse and trade not only directly poses threat to human security but also poses a threat to the national security in the long run. Moreover, drug addicts not just harm their own health and life (e.g., infectious diseases, more risks of becoming sick etc.) but this has adverse impact on their family’s wellbeing. Also, since a lot of money is involved with drug business, questions are raised like these: where this money is going? Or where this is being used?
Let’s examine the importance of the ongoing anti-drug abuse operation. The government’s drive against drugs has sparked controversy in Bangladesh. But, many countries have undertaken similar operations in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. However, many are expressing their doubts about the long term impact of the operation. This article proposes a four-level action plan that might help to make the operation success in the long run.
First is the family level. Instead of putting our young generation just under vigilance, we need to take initiative so that the protest and anti-drug sentiment comes from within them. The problem of keeping young people under vigilance or keeping them under 24-hour surveillance is untenable and this may in turn make them stubborn. Also, for many, no matter how vigilant parents are if they are not convinced, they will always find a way out. Some form of monitoring is good but the young people have to be convinced first that abuse of drug is not something good.
The second intervention to be at the society level, the people of the society have to take active role to tackle the drug menace. The people living in the society often know what is going on in the society, who are involved with drug business in a particular society, and where this business takes place etc. The societal members should be prompt to inform the law enforcement agencies about such groups, business spots etc.
Third is the national level, the first and foremost task is extensive awareness raising campaigns about drug abuse and its detrimental effects. Such information dissemination will support the task of previous two levels from above. In addition to traditional information disseminating campaigns, various participatory workshops (e.g., students acted short drama/ national-level debate competitions etc.) that engage the young people in anti-drug campaigns need to be undertaken.
As this is a huge business, there must be a strong import/export network and a widespread distribution network. The whole network has to be disbanded. It is conspicuous that for some people in the drug business, it’s a huge enterprise and for others it is a full-time or part-time profession. The problem of removing only the top people is that, sooner or later others next in chain of command comes up and continue it, and sometimes their family members do. That’s why the law enforcement agencies have to enforce a zero tolerance policy against drug abuse for a period of at least 5 to 10 years. If required, the present law should be amended so that the people, who are indirectly involved or found to be controlling the drug-business from above, can be tried or brought into justice.
The political parties should have a bipartisan culture regarding anti-drug operation for the sake of the future generation of Bangladesh. A bipartisan understanding will facilitate not just supporting it now but also sustaining the initiative in the long run.
Fourth is the international level. It is obvious that part of the problem is transnational in nature. Transnational organized crime groups are operating drug business across the countries in South Asia. Transnational cooperation should be sought to tackle the network. Bangladesh may initiate international cooperation and/or especially a regional cooperation in South Asia to tackle the problem.
However, the operation must not be selective one and the government should be very cautious as a few cases of innocent people being harmed may taint the whole operation. Only if the operation succeeds in the long term, the people of Bangladesh will be able to reap the real benefit of it.