Reported by: Riku Amir
Written by: Eshan Maitra
Aedes, the yellow fever mosquito, is the primarily responsible mosquito for spreading dengue fever & chikungunya. The drizzles, sudden rains & cloudy weather is only helping such kinds of mosquito to multiply their rate of reproduction. Clogged up waters in the pots to drains, are the production sites for this mosquito. People needs to be warned to keep their surrounding dry and clean up garbage that are holding waters. Also, people needs to use bug-sprays inside their houses as the City Corporation is doing outside. Advices shared by IEDCR former director Prof. Mahmudur Rahman, in an interview on Firday afternoon.
Mosquito termination campaigns are not going steadily and sincerely. Most only become active during this season. If united social awareness is created to actively take their voices to the authorities. Then, build up personal awareness too. Such mosquito related epidemics can be controlled, warned experts.