Dark Clouds and Silver Linings
By Sheersho Zaman
Last week the world was once again faced with demons that it would much rather forget. The Brussels bombings showed people once again the dark side of humanity. It reminded the world once more just how evil man kind can be to serve their own agenda.
Not only Brussels, but areas of Ankara, Turkey, amongst others were also amongst those affected by similar events.
The world seems bleak in situations like these. When news starts flooding in about the number of lives lost, pictures of victims with their smiling faces shown over and over again on the television, it can take a toll on anyone’s heart.
Often times, these sorts of things twists people into showing resentment for people that had no hand in the matter. Resentment is but a slippery slope to various acts of discrimination, and when these acts come to light, the general populace is often left with a sour taste in their mouths.
These tragic incidents often leave people believing that “evil” truly has won. That “good” in the world we are living in is but a drop in the vast ocean of immorality.
These thoughts are further fortified by other news around the world. Whether it is news of corruption, looming threats of war, stories people stuck in their war-torn counties, or immortal politicians and their lust for power, the world has it all in ample supply.
This may all be happening around the world, but there is more to it than just that. Mankind has shown time and time again that it possesses an unwavering spirit when faced with adversity. Regardless of how bleak the world may seem there is always hope. The news channels may feel it necessary and better to report all the murders and bombings, but that does not mean that that’s all there is to the world. There are still countless people lending a helping hand to the homeless. There are still people going out of their way to help those who need it. There are still people hell-bent on making the world a better place.
Countless people wait at airport terminals and train stations each day to be reuinted with their loved ones. There are others slaving away at work, with only the thought of returning home to family and friends on their minds. And of course, there are the lucky few who are with their friends and family at the very moment. The point is, regardless of what all these unfortunate incidents might make you think, that there is no light or hope left in the world, you need not even look far to see otherwise. Look at your own lives and you will realize the love that is present in humanity. Look to yourself, and how many things you did that knowingly or unknowingly helped other people. The world is filled with this very thing. Humanity is filled with this very thing. Love and connection is abundant, more so than you can ever imagine. So do not get blinded by the smokescreen of hate. Love and “light” is all around us. So do not let the dark clouds discourage you. The silver linings are there for a reason.