Marilyn Thipthorpe What has this world come to-intolerance and resentment, violence and strife-that's what! I remember a time when I was young; it was a new Bangladesh, glistening from its newly emerged bud. Everyone and everything was in harmony, working side by sid ...বিস্তারিত
Md. Taqi Yasir The issue of rights for women first became prominent during the French and American revolutions in the late 18th century. In Britain, it was not until the emergence of the suffragist movement in the late 19th century that there was significant political ...বিস্তারিত
Md. Taqi Yasir Online Chaperoning is an alternative while the human jobs the robots replace human job in different engineering sectors. Chaperoning is controlling and operating jobs of robots and being a professional regulator. According to the Commonwealth Scientifi ...বিস্তারিত
Susan M. Akram There are many points on which to find agreement with James Hathaway’s recent piece in this debate—particularly the continued relevance of the 1951 Refugee Convention. Yet the article’s conclusions and recommendations contrast starkly with an earlier ...বিস্তারিত
Md. Taqi Yasir We are celebrating our 35 years of Independence today and the whole festival will be celebrated by the traditional means. Independence Day is commonly associated with parades, political speeches, fairs, concerts, and ceremonies, and various other public ...বিস্তারিত
Marilyn Thipthorpe What is happening to our so-called civilized world? We, who have braved the tides of evolution to become what we are today; what are we but what we tried to escape. If these words seem too twisted for common comprehension, then we are on the right track ...বিস্তারিত
Nusrat Jahan Progga When Kajol was born, her parents were the happiest couple in the village. Everyone came to see her, and Hijras went to their little house to dance around and give her “blessings”. However, her parents believed little Kajol was the biggest bless ...বিস্তারিত
Md Taqi Yasir In the war in Syria and Iraq, but the political and military stalemate at the beginning of 2015 was still there at the end of it. The most important change on the ground was the start of the Russian air campaign on 30 September which ended a series of ...বিস্তারিত
Nusrat Jahan Every time there is a new virus in town, conspiracy theorists around the world start making the wackiest hypothesis ever. Al though a lot of them sound very legit, the ones surrounding the recent Zika Virus outbreak at Brazil does not. Here is a list of a ...বিস্তারিত
Samiul Bashar Samin Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the last couple of years, you’ve heard about Edward Snowden, who blew the whistle on The US Government’s unconstitutional methods of spying on people all over the world among other disturbing details. The form ...বিস্তারিত