Reported by: Jafar Ahmed Written by: Eshan Maitra Demands for the general goods have increased a lot. Also, 60-80% buyers are trying to buy and collect whole month’s needs, on a single. Sellers are taking best of the situation and raised the prices by 20-50%. Even, 1 ...বিস্তারিত
Dipu Akter 'That God does not exist, I cannot deny, That my whole being cries out for God I cannot forget' - stated by an influential French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. The core of this state is, Sartre's sense of being is somehow revolving by the pain that emerges ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Ismail Hussain Emu Written by: Eshan Maitra Citizens of Dhaka were relieved to see less hawkers on the roads before the Ramadan. But, influential hawker leaders are now making their way onto the roads and footpaths, either by force or bribery. There were h ...বিস্তারিত
Written by: Eshan Maitra There are over 30 public & private organizations for monitoring. But all of them are failing to take necessary steps to rejuvenate the lake. As when it was formed in1956. Unplanned zoom farming washig down all the hill’s mud in the rainy sea ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Nashrat Arshiyana Chowhdury Written by: Eshan Maitra Bangladesh is one of the biggest Military support providing countries in UN Peace Keeper Missions. Bangladeshi personnel are upholding the country’s name through their skilled services. Since, authorit ...বিস্তারিত
Juno Spacecraft shows the first close-up of the planet’s southern lights. Juno flew below Jupiter’s innermost radiation belt. It found a magnetic field twice as strong as predicted, 10 times stronger than any on Earth. Jupiter has massive polar cyclones, part of a mo ...বিস্তারিত
Frozen lemon: It can use in various dishes, smoothies, tea baked goods, desserts and soups. Lemon is effective in killing cancer cells, because it is allegedly 10,000 stronger than chemotherapy. It helps prevention of Asthma fighting inflammation detoxification of the ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Tariq Imon Written by: Eshan Maitra There are hundreds of public schools in Lakkhipur & Potuakhaliare bound to take classes in risky buildings. That already had received abandonment notice of possible failure, for aged & poor structure. Few schools ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Jafar Ahmed Written by: Eshan Maitra Foreign and native, total of 12 banks are not following the direction to bring the Bank Spread (in between capital collection and loan distribution) below 5%. This is a 2 years’ due instruction, set by Banlgadesh Bank ...বিস্তারিত
Reported by: Syed Ripon Written by: Eshan Maitra Election Commission published the guideline draft mentioning the election monitoring organizations, Election Working Group, National Election Monitoring Council (JANIPOP) and Law Aid Center (ASHAK). The draft was on EC� ...বিস্তারিত