Samiul Bashar Samin Villains! Admit it. A movie without a good antagonist would be blasé. I mean a movie might have a really good plot and all, but without a villain that inspires hate (and sometimes admiration) from the audience. Here are some of the most ...বিস্তারিত
Nusrat Jahan Moken, or otherwise known as Sea Gypsies of south-east Asia are a semi-nomadic Austronesian tribe, that lives in the Mergui Archipelago, a group of approximately 800 islands in the Andaman Sea that belongs to both Burma and Thailand. A few months back, Fa ...বিস্তারিত
Samiul Bashar Samin Once every generation, a musician comes along, who manages to change our perception of music through their passion and creativity. The late Jeff Buckley is still considered to be one of the best singers the world has seen. Jeff Buckley was the son ...বিস্তারিত
Samiul Bashar Samin It would be impossible for us to even think about our lives without the convenience of fast food. I mean how life can even be conceived without the warm caress of a beautiful cheese-filled one pounder burger. Although, it is okay to sometimes treat ...বিস্তারিত
Samiul Bashar Samin For nocturnal people like me, it becomes very difficult to pass the nights. And it is while surfing the darkest corners of the internet that I found an amazing way to pass the time. It involves two of my favorite things in this entire world. Horror ficti ...বিস্তারিত
Mezik Potetu Picking out a birthday gift can be annoying. Then when you express your annoyance to the birthday boy/girl, and they go "It's okay as long as you're here", it is even more ANNOYING. However, the five-year-old's smile on an eighteen-year-old's face that sh ...বিস্তারিত
Sheersho Zaman People's Republic of China is without a doubt a global economic leader. Many years have passed since the reign of the Mao Zedong, China's "Great Helmsman." Many things have changed since that time. Over the past three decades, on its way to reach the s ...বিস্তারিত
Samiul Bashar Samin It's no secret that The Lord of the Rings franchise has one of the biggest and most loyal fans base ever. So when the plans for the movies of The Hobbit was announced, LoTR fans were excited for the first time since the release of the last LoTR mov ...বিস্তারিত
Anindya Nahar habib Could be You are Sartre" Sohorab Camouflaged in those glasses and slowly deciding to befriend Camus. Another victim of time and agony. •• All there was all there will be are, your misery, but you sleep well. You don't dream nor do you wak ...বিস্তারিত
Sheersho Zaman “Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.” ~ The Name of the Wind "The Name of the Wind" is the first installment ...বিস্তারিত