Sakib Khondoker Everyone loves Afridi. He has been greatly misunderstood. In the beginning we thought he was a complete cricketer meant for all types of cricket. It took us 10 years to realize that he was actually fit for ODIs. Five years later we understood that he i ...বিস্তারিত
Tahsin Rahman Oshin Workout is not only for your body, your brain needs fine tuning as well. Just like your body, you need to keep your mind in shape to perform and function better. You need to widen your knowledge and improve your intellect to bring overall improvement a ...বিস্তারিত
Eshan Maitra No more implants! Soon scientists will be growing functional human heart in their labs. Only last year first successful heart implantation was possible. Then more researchers became interested in culturing hearts in the lab. HaraldOtt led this brilliant ...বিস্তারিত
Eshan Maitra We know, how hydrogen cells burns within and fuel the sun for radiating the massive amount of energy. Though, the scientists have not been able to harness such incredible power. They have managed to adapt its mechanism into Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) t ...বিস্তারিত
Samiul Bashar Samin The human psyche has always been of immeasurable interest to us since forever. And ofcourse, some crazy scientist would come up and try to start a mind control program. But in this case, the problem was that the scientist, or rather scientists were ...বিস্তারিত
Nusrat Jahan Almost all of us have the same life-plan growing up: get decent grades, get in to a good college, get a good job, earn money, die. When we are in school, we pack our routine with art classes, debate competitions, and various other this and thats to make s ...বিস্তারিত
Md. Taqi Yasir Harry Potter series do have some very massive blunders that nobody noticed before. Those mistakes are relevant starting from the wandering of Harry’s King’s Cross Station and ends at the duel of Lord Voldemort against Potter himself. Some of the ma ...বিস্তারিত
Sheersho Zaman With the advent of the internet, people sought to find a way to connect to the world. Emails were great and all, but it felt too "stagnant" and hence the concept of "chatting" was introduced. That too did not satisfy the needs of the people. Much like with ...বিস্তারিত
Eshan Maitra A team led by Mortimer B. Zuckerman from Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Colombia and the Columbia University of Medical Center, have made this great breakthrough. They were successful in generating new memory and behavior pattern cells, then observe it at t ...বিস্তারিত
Mezik Potetu People may start college in the spring for a number of reasons. Some people start in spring because they took a gap year after high school, typically to relax or travel. Some, unfortunately, did not get accepted to the college of their choice, or had to d ...বিস্তারিত