UNB, Rangamati A court here has transferred the anti-terrorism case against leader of Myanmar’s insurgent group Arakan Army, Dr. Renin Suye, and three of his accomplices to an anti-terrorism tribunal on Wednesday. The court has also ordered that t ...বিস্তারিত
SM Nur Mohammad A writ has been filed with the High Court to challenge the order that requires political parties to have 33% women participants in committees of all levels. Section - (RPO) 90 (Kha). (1)(Kha)(A) of the Representation of the People Order, requires all new pol ...বিস্তারিত
Riku Amir The rate of breast feeding babies between the ages of 0 to 6 months has lessened by 9% in the last 4 years in Bangladesh. The rate was 64% in 2011, when a research was last conducted on this subject. The rate of feeding powder milk to these babies is increasing da ...বিস্তারিত
Riku Amir Dhaka Metropolitan Police had recently launched a campaign to collect the personal information of Dhaka city dwellers to create a citizen database. As a part of that campaign, Banani Police Station has taken an initiative to collect the information of slum-dweller ...বিস্তারিত
BSS Two people including a woman were killed and three others injured in a road accident at Hatgopalpur-Chagolbandha crossing in Sadar upazila on Monday. The deceased were Robiul Islam Latu, 50, and Saira Khatun, 51, a resident of Dhananjoypur. ...বিস্তারিত
UNB Four food shops were fined Taka 10,000 on charge of selling unhygienic and substandard foods to the customers in the city yesterday afternoon, officials concerned here said Monday. A team of Department of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCRP) conducted raid in ...বিস্তারিত
UNB A daring dacoity was committed in the residence of former commissioner of Moulvibazar Pourashava and businessman Md. Yusuf Ali in the early hours of Monday. Dacoits took the inmates of the house hostage at gun-point and looted 45 tolas of gold ornaments, one motorcyc ...বিস্তারিত
UNB A young man was hacked to death allegedly by miscreants at Dingamanik in Naria upazila early Monday. Quoting locals, officer-in-charge of Naria Police Station Ikram Ali said a gang of miscreants entered the house of Rigan, 28, in the dead of night and beat him. Late ...বিস্তারিত
UNB A mobile court here on Sunday night sentenced a young man to six months’ imprisonment for eve-teasing a schoolgirl in Jhenaigati upazila. Police sources said Monir Hossain, son of Abdul Haque, a resident of Gandhigaon Purbapara village, used to stalk a class-IX stud ...বিস্তারিত
UNB A court here on Monday convicted four people and sentenced them to life term imprisonment for killing a young man in 2004 in Savar. The lifers-Selam Uddin, Abdur Rauf, Waz Uddin and Kujrat Ali of Ghashirdia village in Savar, were also fined Tk 10,000 each. According ...বিস্তারিত