Brown and Lovely
Samiul Bashar Samin
We all know how the west is filled with bigots and racists who judge people based on skin color. Those white supremacists are the absolute worst. Thank God brown people don’t take partake in this outrage. Oh wait.
The South-Asian subcontinent is responsible for keeping companies that rely on people’s insecurities about their skin color, in business. Just that should tell you how hard we try to be white. The roots of these problems might have been the side-effects of the British Empire invading this part of the world. It would make sense. Our ancestors probably lived in peace until a ship bearing fair- blue eyes and their aforementioned skinned Leonardo Decaprios and Kate Winslets landed, entrancing the common folk with their sapphire glaringly white skin. Suddenly, the definition of beauty in this subcontinent had changed and fair was beautiful. Although we managed to send the British packing and crying for their moms, this idea had been planted and there was no going back from there.
Over the centuries, we have seen the emergence of countless fairness cream companies and their marketing campaigns which have successfully converted the brown community into materialistic puppets with a twisted definition of beauty. We have become this community of judgmental bigots and the dark-skinned individuals are treated as outcasts in our modern day caste system.
What’s worse is that we subject said dark-skinned people to a lifetime of mental abuse and the phrase is no understatement. They’re told that they’re unattractive from the earliest stages of life. The cringe worthy advertisements and the bigoted aunties don’t help either.
Now that the issue of advertisements has been raised, I might as well say that while telling people that becoming “light-skinned” using their new fairness cream will land them that dream job and Brad Pitt/ Nicole Kidman at the same time is an amazing marketing ploy, it has to be the most glaring reason for which you will see the people who run these marketing campaigns in the deepest and darkest corners of hell, sobbing as Satan’s lackeys burn them for an eternity. Wow, I almost sounded like a religious nut there.
Speaking of which, did you know that most religions maintain a strict stance against discrimination on grounds of skin color. Yeah aunties, guess who’s going to be right next to those fairness cream company people in hell. But men in this particular part of the world are not far behind either in terms of being absolute idiots either. Fairness in the name of materialistic beauty has taken over our minds and these days. The aim in life of a typical brown guy is as follows: get a job, earn enough money to land a relatively fair skinned girl and then subject her to an entire lifetime of your misogynistic insanity.
Jokes aside, while the world cries for equality, we nod in unison and then proceed to frown at a person over their complexion. We can keep blaming the media for manipulating us into this twisted generalization, or we can just choose to think for ourselves and realize how petty this entire charade is. Just stop and think for a second. The world has enough conflict and discrimination to deal with. Let’s not add to the tally.