Reported by: Jafar Ahmad
Written by: Eshan Maitra
Bangladesh Banks’s SME loan initiative was a success in increasing & inspiring more female entrepreneurs to build up their dreams. Also, BB’s project is directly finding these bright women and letting them aware of such loaning system.
BB reports that, 13,742 female signed-in their names as entrepreneurs by taking SME loan, in 2016. That is whoopingly 36% increase of female participation. Also, loan distribution increased by 44.47%. Which was, total of 1,092.35 crores taka.
SME loaning system is specially being a great opportunity for the rural women. The loan amount reached 31,444.09 cores taka in 2016. Even that was 21.49% increase than last year.
BB has also taken other great steps to encourage & invite more female entrepreneurs. One was, appointing at least one female employee at each of BB branches all over the country. This definitely made the women approaching to the corporate environment, more comfortable. BB also created Initiative Cells specifically consist of female entrepreneurs & agents.
Though, not all the commercial banks have adapted BB’s ways as instructed. But BB has kept encouraging all other banks to follow the similar path to create more female entrepreneurs. To pave a way for women to make a stand and put marks in the economy.