Ahmad-ul Kabir
Bangladesh High Commission posted the rules and regulations for illegal Banglaeshi workers to become re-registered in Malaysia on Facebook yesterday. Within 6 hours the post was shared more than 500 times. Over a 100 comments were filled with queries about the post. However, the High Commission did not reply to any comment. Phone calls made to the Commission were futile as well.
Ashraful Islam, a person now being called ‘illegal’ as his student visa has expired wants to come back to Bangladesh. Frequent raids are taking place in his area. However, he does not know how to collect an ‘out-pass’ to come
back home. His query remains unanswered by the High Commission. Hossain Kabir stated that he was going to be registered during the 6P initiative by the Malay Government. However, the touts he hired did not submit the fee required. Therefore he could not become legal at that time. His question was, whether he can get registered with the new initiative. However, no one has responded to his comment. The High Commission has not taken any steps to free the workers arrested for being illegal. There seems to be no answer to the question asked by workers, “If we can register now, then why are illegal workers getting arrested indiscriminately?”
Translated by: Sumaiya Kabir