Bandarban Nawagat Sena Region organized press club and press conference and discussion meeting of print and electronic media.
Ashim Roy,Bandarban correspondent:
Yesterday afternoon, the Bandarban Army Region held a press conference and discussion meeting with press clubs of all upazilas of Bandarban Hill District and print and electronic media journalists at Army Offices Mess 69 Auditorium.
Brigadier 69 Infantry Brigadier General Golam Mohiuddin Ahmed, SGP, NDC, AFWC, PSC, PhD Region Commander Bandarban Region was present as the chief guest of the conference.
He auspiciously inaugurated the event by greeting and introducing everyone present at the beginning. Besides, Major G2I Shaikh Uz-Zaman, 69 Brigade, Major ASM Mahamudul Hasan PSC 5th Bengal, all Zone Commanders, other officers of the region, Presidents of Press Club and Print &Journalists of electronic media.
A total of 80 journalists from the press club and print and electronic media were present on the occasion. He said that assistance and cooperation will continue for all infrastructure development including the Region Commander Bandarban district. He praised the journalists for their persistence in disseminating objective information. He requested to inform the whole world about the progress of development in the hilly areas through information based news. He also said that Chittagong Hill Tracts are not like other areas of Bangladesh. There are 12 small ethnic groups living in this area of natural beauty surrounded by mountains. Journalists are those people who mirrorSuch as the development of Chittagong Hill Tracts, law and order and security system and the key to the overall transition of the region. He is concerned with the implementation of peace accords, economic development, activities of terrorist groups, activities of donor organizations in hilly areas, misuse of social media, conducting activities irrespective of religion, caste and tribe, preservation of their own customs of all ethnic groups, activities of security forces in remote areas. Discusses the role of journalists in dispelling rumors and countering terrorism in Chittagong Hill Tracts.